Achieve a truly unique fit and create a more comfortable and safer helmet.

What is P.F.S?
A concept pioneered by Shoei to enhance comfort and safety by providing a truly individual fit.
How does the P.F.S Work?
Using specially developed computer software and a head measuring tool, Shoei P.F.S technicians can accurately analyse a person’s head shape to identify their correct helmet size, and necessary liner adjustment positions. Using this data, a tailored fit can be achieved by fine-tuning the inner liner.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get P.F.S done with any Shoei helmet?
The Personal Fitting System can be used for all current SHOEI helmet models, as well as for some models from previous generations.
How long does P.F.S take?
The determination of the head shape takes about 10 minutes, the adjustment and individual fine-tuning about 20 to 30 minutes.
How much does P.F.S cost?
The recommended retail price for the fitting is £50, contact your nearest P.F.S service centre for more information.